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Raspberry Pi CPU
Полезный скрипт, который выдает информацию о CPU, такую, как температура, напряжение, минимальная и максимальная частота CPU и т.д.
sudo nano cpustatus.sh
Откроется nano, копируем:
# cpustatus
# Prints the current state of the CPU like temperature, voltage and speed.
# The temperature is reported in degrees Celsius (C) while
# the CPU speed is calculated in megahertz (MHz).

function convert_to_MHz {
    let value=$1/1000
echo "$value"

function calculate_overvolts {
    # We can safely ignore the integer
    # part of the decimal argument
    # since it's not realistic to run the Pi
    # at voltages higher than 1.99 V
    let overvolts=${1#*.}-20
    echo "$overvolts"

temp=$(vcgencmd measure_temp)

volts=$(vcgencmd measure_volts)

if [ $volts != "1.20" ]; then
    overvolts=$(calculate_overvolts $volts)

minFreq=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq)
minFreq=$(convert_to_MHz $minFreq)

maxFreq=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq)
maxFreq=$(convert_to_MHz $maxFreq)

freq=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq)
freq=$(convert_to_MHz $freq)

governor=$(cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor)

echo "Temperature: $temp C"
echo -n "Voltage: $volts V"
[ $overvolts ] && echo " (+0.$overvolts overvolt)" || echo -e "\r"
echo "Min speed: $minFreq MHz"
echo "Max speed: $maxFreq MHz"
echo "Current speed: $freq MHz"
echo "Governor: $governor"

exit 0
Сохраняем (Ctrl+X)
sudo chmod +x cpustatus.sh
Что бы запустить:
sudo ./cpustatus.sh